Monday, August 22, 2011

When Folks Be Nosy.

This one comes at the suggestion of a special friend! I, personally, am an open book who never knows when to shush, so I can't relate. Much.

"Oh, congratulations. Was it an accident?" "When did you conceive?" "Did you conceive naturally?" "Are you going to breastfeed?" "When was the last time you pooped?" "How are those hemorrhoids treating you?"

Pregnancy is fascinating to people. It turns a mere mortal into a super hero. Her body does what no man's can. Her girth is massive. Her moods are plenty. Her appetite is otherworldly. She grows PEOPLE. Bearing children makes women inadvertent rockstars, human conversation pieces. People like me who blog about the whole thing just feed the hunger that laypeople feel for any scrap of knowledge they can devour about someone's pregnancy. Gestation only lasts for so long, so there's a crunch for time to squeeze out every drop of information, like Final Jeopardy. But don't worry, everyone. Upon baby's arrival entirely new places to stick your noses are born.

Again, I can't completely empathize, since I tend to over-share. But for the sake of those whose bodies can blush, maybe think twice about the questions you ask... and ask yourself why on EARTH you want to know what a newborn's poop looks like.

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