Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When You Post Pictures of Your Food on Facebook.

Did you hear that rumble in the distance? No, it's not that rain we've been praying for. It might be my stomach. But it's most likely an army of pregnant women coming to maul you for the piece of key lime pie you took a picture of and posted for all to see on Facebook.

One of the most notorious and enjoyable symptoms of pregnancy is cravings. Some of them are caused by a nutritional deficiency. Others are caused by God knows what. But many are caused by a whim, a commercial, a billboard, a song... or a Facebook check-in at Cheddar's. We women are a fickle bunch already. So add pregnancy to the mix and our culinary preferences change with the wind... or the refresh button. You know that incredible sandwich and soup you had for lunch and thought the world needed to see? My lunch is now inferior. That cheesecake you showed us? Like opening a can of tuna in front of a cat and not sharing. The hungrier we are, the angrier we get. That grill covered in meat? Congratulations, cave men figured out how to do that thousands of years ago. Just give me the steak. Even something as temporary as a snow-cone can send us into a flurry. (Did you like that play on words?) Whenever we in the family way get a hankerin', nothing else will do. So do us a favor. Spare our dinner plans, our husbands, and our ever-growling bellies. Enjoy your food, but don't tempt us! We might find you. After all, we can sniff you out.


ree said...

Don't stop now, Sparkle, you are on a ROLL!!!
Oops, sorry...didn't mean to make you crave some bread..... ;)

Jen the Hormonal said...

Mmmm.... rolls.... ;)