Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kit Kat Commercials.

You know the ones. Those Kit Kat commercials that think they're so clever by using people's chews to barely resemble their decades-old jingle. The first round of commercials, I was so distracted by how gross they were that I couldn't hear the melody. Now they've revamped their ads, but I still have to listen to people chew. If I'm going to hear someone taking a bite out of anything, especially chocolate, it's going to have to be me. At least if I'm going to enjoy myself. This is why my husband boycotts Golden Corral - too much audible chewing. Since I barely make it to the table before I start munching, I don't see what the problem is there. Especially with those rolls. Drool. But sitting on my couch, trying to watch Teen Mom, and someone decides I need to hear them enjoy their candy bar? Nope. Homey don't play that. I'll stick to my Snickers and silence, thank you.

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