Tuesday, August 9, 2011

People Voicing a Preference About the Sex of Your Baby.

Guess what, peeps? We can't help this one. We can stop ourselves from drinking caffeine if we have to, we can sniff out a drug ring should the bloodhounds be on strike, and we can grow an entire person (or people!) inside of ourselves, but we cannot pick who that person is. God does. I'm not going into where babies come from, but the miracle of it itself is enough to cause awe and wonder and change your life forever. Be happy for us. Thank God for the blessing He's entrusted us with. God's will is either perfect or it isn't, and I choose to believe it is. Therefore, whoever He chooses to give us is the perfect person for our family. Don't get me wrong, peeing on Drano and cabbage and dangling expensive wedding rings that won't fit in a few months sounds like a BLAST. But I love my baby no matter what. And what most pregnant women (or all moms in general) won't say is that whenever you voice a preference for a boy or a girl, you're making them feel as though you wouldn't care about the baby should it turn out not to be what you want. "Aw, I wanted it to be a ____." See? We're swallowing vitamins the size of Hot Wheels and peeing more than we blink, so please don't give us something else to stress over. In fact, just bring us a Snickers.

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