Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ppl Who Type Lyk Dis.

Guess what, world - that resume you're going to have to submit at some point? You don't have to limit the number of characters like Twitter. "U" is not "you". Same with "ur" and "your." Want to argue a credit card statement? Good luck being taken seriously when you present your case with purposely misspelled slang: "I didn't buy dat." Do I speak that way? Heck yes. I grew up with a wonderfully diverse background, and the angrier I get, the more incorrect my King's English becomes. But when I sit at a keyboard, it honestly takes MORE energy for me to purposefully type out "I luv all muh peeps an da lil bebes in muh lyf." What does this have to do with pregnancy, you ask? I'm taking prentatal vitamins and cutting out certain foods so that my baby can have a well-developed brain and grow into a smart, contributing member of society. I am NOT giving up Pepsi so that my child can one day text me "I luh yoo, Mamas." Plus, being pregnant makes us cranky, and it just bothers us. How exhausting must it be to have to type in one language at school, and come home and speak fluent HUH? on Facebook. No one is in such a hurry that "Where u at?" will make the difference between life and death. If cutting the "y" and "o" out of the word will, indeed, save a life, then stop texting and call 911. This is why I have resisted Twitter for so long - I'm obviously of the long-winded persuasion, and anything that will limit my thoughts to the point of intentional typos is nothing I want to be a part of. Come on, people... type it OUT!

1 comment:

Two Bits 2012 said...

I honestly wonder sometimes how the English do it - but I put my foot down when it comes to short-hand texts. I don't even write "C U L8R" because I'm faster typing the actual words out than clicking buttons repeatedly to get a letter or number. I do have to say though, Verizon really should do something about their 160-character max on texts. Sometimes even that's not enough space!